UDC Update Meeting at IFLA Conference
If you happen to be in Lyon, please join us for our regular UDC Update session at the 2014 IFLA General Conference and Assembly. Members of the UDC Editorial team will give a brief presentation on the current developments in the UDC, ongoing translation projects, forthcoming publications and events.
Monday, 18 August
Room St. Clair 3b

Subscription to UDC Online English: Opened
From Monday, 16 September, you can subscribe to UDC Online (English). Annual subscription prices for individual and concurrent users are available here.
To subscribe go to the UDC Online English page and click the 'Subscribe' button.
Payment by credit card and Paypal available
Users wishing to subscribe to UDC Online may be pleased to learn that they can pay their subscription fee using their credit card or with their Paypal account. Online payment is available for single subscriptions and subscriptions of up to 5 concurrent users. Subscriptions for more than 5 users can be paid by invoice (bank transfer). Subscription prices for individual and concurrent users are available here.
To subscribe go to the UDC Online English page and click the 'Subscribe' button.

Subscription to UDC Online English: Opened
From Monday, 16 September, you can subscribe to UDC Online (English). Annual subscription prices for individual and concurrent users are available here.
To subscribe go to the UDC Online English page and click the 'Subscribe' button.
New feature in UDC Online: Number Builder
Today, the UDC Online Number Builder was released. This tool allows you to select, combine and store UDC combinations.
To start using Number Builder, click on the small 'pencil' icon next to a UDC notation in the search results panel. Selected classes will be stored in the Number Builder. The total count of classes stored is displayed next to the Number builder menu at the top of the page.
Once you are ready, go to the Number Builder page. There you can select notations and their description for editing. In the editing area you can arrange your UDC notations and place connecting symbols between numbers when and if required. You can also formulate the description for your number combination.
Subscribers to the UDC Online will be able to save and store their combinations for future use.
New features in UDC Online: Comments to the Editor & Search History
When you login to the UDC Online, you will notice a small "speech bubble" icon on the menu. Clicking on the icon will lead you to the page where you can leave comments or suggestions for the UDC Editorial Team. By ticking the boxes provided on the comment page, you can tag your comment as one of the following: General/Suggestions, Mistakes in UDC, Missing term or I cannot find a class.
You can also request an answer from the editors by ticking the box 'I would like a reply'.
You are very welcome to comment on the functions of UDC Online whether positive or negative, including any problems you may have experienced using the tool. Your comments will help us improve both the UDC Online system and UDC content. Comments are treated as confidential and will only be visible to the UDC Online support team.
Once you have started searching and browsing the schedule another small icon representing your search history will appear on the menu bar next to the comments. This display a list of your previous searches which you can select and repeat.
BSI and UDCC announce UDC Online replacement service
English speaking users of UDC will be able to access this new UDC Consortium UDC Online service from 26 August 2013. BSI’s UDC Online will be closing from 1 October 2013.
The upgraded UDC Online service offers improved searching and browsing functions and several new features such as access to cancelled numbers and alphabetical chain index.
BSI UDC Online, released in Spring 2001, was the first online classification tool of its kind in the bibliographic domain and has been serving users for over 10 years.
The new UDC Online is a part of the multilingual UDC hub-service driven directly from the UDC Master Reference File (MRF) database and run by the UDC Consortium (The Hague). The new online service has been developed to bring together and align existing translations with the regularly updated knowledge content of the UDC. The tool aims to provide a better, up-to-date and more convenient service for users world-wide. The English version will be the first edition to be made available online.
Read more in the press release.